Friday, September 19, 2014


Our family trip to Sardinia goes back in April and I realize that I've not yet mentioned the essential activities for the kids!

On this trip I've already told you about here and there, it was really hard to find specific activities for children. So I give you here a list of tours and activities that can entertain children and motivate them for further tours!
Saradaigne avec des enfants - Activité: Sardaigne miniature - activités enfants

The Neptune Grotto cave to discover a sea level

A nice output, which requires a little effort! Indeed, this cave is located at sea level and was down I-don't-know-how to access walk (656 steps confirms my Mini Voyageuse which had not yet been able to keep count!)

But the ride is worth it! The cave is very nice inside with stalactites, stalagmites, lace effect! Children are always happy!

Practical information for visit the Grotto of Neptune

Access: This cave is located a few kilometers from Alghero. You can get there by car, camper etc ... but it should be a little difficult to park in high season. Otherwise boats leave from Alghero to come and visit the cave. Warning: I attended the landing with a heavy swell and I was glad not to have to land with my kids, it seemed pretty dangerous!

Time Tours last approximately 2 hours between the time of visit and the lowering and raising of the many steps. Tickets can be purchased at the bottom of the market so there must be time to go down for us and about 10min and the tour had already begun.

Baby equipment: I wore Mini Traveller, with my Boba baby carrier Air compact, all along the tour to take the tour (in Italian and English!) Advancing at a rapid pace. Provide a rather a big physio baby carrier backpack baby carrier that can be too bulky in some sectors!

Price and schedule: Tour every hour it seems.

Ages: practice with toddlers, light that you carry with you! Rather complicated for 3-5 years which are heavy and will be a little tired at the ascent of the stairs, but nothing is impossible if one weapon courage to motivate them! as counting the number of walking, for example! The tour is done only in Italian and English! Too bad for the youngest!

For more information: interesse/grotta-di-di-Nettuno-Alghero

Sardinia Miniature

Big dilemma for me! Should you recommend this tour or not? Of course if you want to please your children, it must be done! But know that Voyageuse Mini 9 years now and remembering the old "miniature country" we visited (Turkey miniature, miniature Holland etc ...) has been disappointed by the scenery staged (not enough detail, characters etc. .)

But we still had a good time because for Mini Traveller, we took a boat ride, a train ride, climb the tower to see the park from above! The visit of nuragical village (small houses nuragical staged with the old life) Mini Voyageuse pleased because it was able to better visualize what the ruins views Barumini just before but the characters were afraid to Mini traveler!

We have not done all the exhibitions to limit the cost. Perhaps a reader can tell me if they were worth ?!

Practical information for visiting the miniature Sardinia

Directions: Right next to the site Barumini, close to the village of the same name!

Visit time: 1:30 we spent 2 hours, but we only had the lowest pass that did not allow us to see the town cowboys and other little fun! We thought the price already very high.

Baby equipment: stroller smoothly

Schedule and fees: 10 € for adults only for the miniature park (with boat and train ride), 33 € to see all the extra activities (planetarium, botanical garden, golf Darwin ...)

Ages: 0 to 9/10 years. then they will be much less forgiving

For more information:


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