Friday, September 19, 2014

Go around the word

Go around the world 


There are many excuses to go around the world, graduation, retirement, sabbatical are opportunities to do that old dream, traveling the world and discover the wealth ...

But often it is a journey that we will do only once in his life around the world is preparing well in advance. Unable to leave overnight: you must make your own arrangements, and arrange to make the most of this adventure. So, no improvisation.
© Mykola Velychko |

A world tour usually consists of a series of stops in countries that we simply want to discover. But it can also be built around a passion or a common focus: the deserts, music, cycling, islands, etc.

Delphine Moussay-Christophe Derouet Derouet and have, for example, had the great idea to go around the world vines from Bordeaux. You can follow their journey in 17 countries, 37 wine regions and 194 domains in their blog Wine World Tour. They even pulled a book, Around the World vineyards and wines (Editions Feret). Enough to make the mouth water ...

Also discover the blog of a 18 year old who went traveling around the world:

Such a journey may have the goal of adventure and discovery, as cycling journey undertaken by the authors of the blog The Eldorado Cycling: 14,000 km Bicycle, Paris to Quito, via Casablanca and Santiago.

It can also be punctuated by reports, often published online and / or end with a photo exhibition, a book, a movie. In this case, you can probably find sponsors to your journey so visit the sites of other "tourdumondistes", explaining how often they are taken to finance their trip and find partnerships.

But even if you go for pleasure or sense of adventure, do not play the card of improvisation. Know before you go, what motivates you, what you want to see. It is often useful to prepare a list of countries to visit, an estimate of the length of stay and time of your travel (prefer the low season, tickets are cheaper ...).

Another tip: do not be either too rigid or planning. Prepare a frame of your trip in outline. Keep some flexibility by not setting you not a "timing" too tight. Travel, are the meetings, discovery and surprises (good or bad). By no means a marathon. Treat yourself, open your eyes and go to another.
With whom?
Should we go alone, in pairs, in groups, with (e) friend (e) as a team? The answer to this question obviously depends on the purpose of the trip, and your natural disposition: if you hate solitude, you've got to choose one or more teammates ...

Needless to say, if you're not alone, it will take a lot of discussions to agree on the project, and everyone is aware of the expectations, desires or the reluctance of the other or others.

source :

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