Friday, September 19, 2014

Preparation for DEPARTURE !


Before leaving for a long time, you will have many arrangements to be home, both for the success of your journey as you return to provide the best possible conditions.

If you work and you are an employee of a company, Act No. 84-4 of 01/03/1984 helps you get a sabbatical under certain conditions: 3 years of service in the company (whether or not consecutive ) and 6 years of professional activity behind you. The leave can last 6 to 11 months, and you may have any paid leave. At the end of your leave, the employer is required to take you back to an equivalent job with equivalent to that before you leave pay.

We must send the employer a request by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt at least three months before departure with your request and the duration of the leave.

The employer must respond to the employee by mail within 30 days. After this time, the agreement is taken for granted. The employer has the option to defer the leave of several months depending on the case. For companies with fewer than 200 employees, it may even refuse it, if negative consequences for the smooth running of the business.

Full details are available on
If you can not benefit from the sabbatical, you still have the opportunity to resign, with the amount of risk that entails.

If you own, you can rent your home during your absence. If you rent, you do not have in principle the right to sublet your home without the owner's consent.

If you decide to leave your home vacant during your round the world, keep your home insurance (disaster), but cancel your subscription for telephone, electricity, gas and water.

It is best to agree with someone around you able to check your mail and process your invoices and administrative correspondence. With the "temporary Redirection" La Poste service, you can even forward your mail directly to the person (minimum 15 days, maximum 1 year, 41 euros). More information: The Post website

The "My extensive fixed line" allows you to make calls without having money from the foreign service, communications are taken directly from your account. But it can be a bit expensive ...

Best Solution: You can also purchase international calling cards on the spot and SIM cards if your laptop is compatible with local networks.

Also check with your operator if you are still engaged or if you can suspend your mobile line.

Internet is by far the best way to keep in touch with relatives and friends during a long journey through:
- Traditional emails.
- Software allowing to call and see (for free) interposed by webcam (Skype, Google+).
- Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ...)
- The creation of a free blog (Uniterre Travelblog ...) in which to tell your adventures and post your photos.

Find a connection:

Internet cafes have invaded all major cities and often even the most remote provinces ...

If you travel with your smartphone, pay attention to use it only wifi mode for Internet connections. There are many points of connection free wifi in the world. Otherwise, you risk breaking the bank!

If you are traveling with your smartphone, use wifi only mode, otherwise you risk breaking the bank! Make sure to disable the option of receiving "datas" abroad which appears somewhere in the settings of your phone.

Passports and Visas
Ask yourself quickly the visa issue, sometimes essential to spend some borders, especially in Africa. See what you can do from France before departure. And beware: all countries may not have consular representation everywhere. It even happens that a country does not have in yet another neighboring country.
Site will be useful to find out about visa and get what you need quickly. On your passport, make sure it is valid for 6 months beyond the date of your return.

Finally, ask about the political and security situation of the country attended, including borders. The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assesses each country and identifies areas where it is not advisable to venture. Do you also learn about international licenses or driving permits, needed to lead in some countries outside Europe.

Final arrangements before the holidays are subject to a folder full of practical advice with peace of mind.


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