Friday, September 19, 2014


A few weeks before going on holiday and as we will be very numerous on the roads, with family, here are some tips to prepare his car before hitting the road!

1 Do not do it at the last minute

Of course we do goes about at the last moment, that's why I'm doing this now, you can revise your car with confidence!

So take an appointment with your favorite at the end of reading this article mechanic!

2 Audits of use

If you have already had your interview, there is some time, do not hesitate to do a few check yourself before you hit the road!

We check all safety devices: brake pad, wipers, bulbs, coolant level, oil level etc ...!

3 Check tires

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Michelin gives us good advice via his Myth and Realities concept for

- Check the condition and the level of wear of your tires: too old and worn tire will not hold the road as well as a new tire and tailored to your driving conditions

- Change your summer tires for winter tires: this is something we have not always done for about economics! But Michelin has been testing and believes that snow tires, highly effective if you visit us in our mountains, are much less efficient than summer tires! Approximately 1.5m more would be needed to curb! And 1.5m is the distance to avoid a fine accident!

So, more than likely, we will change our snow tires each year to spend on Michelin Performance tires that allow a safe driving is the weather.


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