Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Top 10 iconic monuments of the world

Taj Mahal, Inde 

photo de Stuck in Customs
La construction du «Palais de la Couronne» à Âgrâ a nécessité 23 années pour faire sortir de terre ce monument à la symétrie parfaite. Commandé en 1630 par l'empereur moghol Shâh Jahân en mémoire de son épouse Arjumand Bânu Begam, le Taj a été construit en marbre blanc reflètant les couleurs changeantes de la journée.

Le Taj Mahal accueille environ 2,5 millions de touristes chaque année. Si vous en avez la possibilité, nous vous conseillons de vous y rendre par nuit de pleine lune afin de profiter d'une vue incontournable.

Grande Pyramide de Gizeh, Egypte 

photo de Michel27
Composée de deux millions de blocs de pierre de 2 tonnes chacun, la grande pyramide de Gizeh est le tombeau du pharaon Khéops (2560 avant JC). Elle détient durant des millénaires tous les records relatifs aux constructions humaines (la plus haute, la plus massive, la plus lourde). La pyramide de Khéops est la seule représentante des sept merveilles du monde antique encore visible de nos jours.

Elle fût la première attraction touristique de l'histoire et compte Marc Antoine et Napoléon parmi ses visiteurs illustres. Accompagnée sur le site de Gizeh des pyramides de Képhren et Mykérinos ainsi que du Sphynx, elle fait partie du site le plus célèbre d'Egypte et accueille chaque année près de 3 millions de touristes.

La Grande Muraille, Chine 

photo de David Bertho
Construit de la fin du 15ème siècle au début du 16ème sur les vestiges d'un ancien mur datant de plus de 2000 ans, la grande muraille s'étend sur 6700 kilomètres. Servant à délimiter et protéger la frontière nord de la Chine, il s'agit de la structure architecturale la plus importante jamais construite par l'homme. Cependant, et contrairement à une légende urbaine répandue, elle n'est pas visible à l'oeil nu depuis l'espace.

Avec 10 millions de visiteurs annuels, la Grande Muraille de Chine et l'un des sites touristiques les plus visités au monde. Si vous souhaitez la découvrir, nous vous conseillons la section de Simatai à Jinshanling.

Tour Eiffel, France 

photo de Stuck in Customs
Construite en 1889 pour l'Exposition Universelle à Paris, la tour, initialement dénommée «tour de 300 mètres», à été construite par Gustave Eiffel. Sa hauteur de 312 mètres (à sa construction) lui à permis de rester pendant 41 ans le monument le plus élevé du monde.

Véritable symbole de Paris et de la France, la tour Eiffel accueille chaque année près de 7 millions de visiteurs ravis de profiter d'un panorama imprenable sur la capitale française.

Empire State Building, USA 


Situé au coeur de Manhattan, l'Empire State Building est, du haut de ses 381 mètres, le plus grand gratte-ciel de New-York et le troisième de tout le continent américain. Inauguré en 1931, il est avec ses 102 étages l'un des symboles de la ville. Sa très large mise en scène dans des films et séries (King Kong, How I Met Your Mother, Friends ...) a renforcé son image à l'international.

Chaque année, les 73 ascenseurs de l'Empire State Building propulse 4 millions de visiteurs jusqu'à l'observatoire du 86ème étage ouvert en permanence au public. Il est alors possible de profiter d'un panorama unique à 360 degrés sur New York, ses environs et l'océan Atlantique.

Big Ben, Angleterre 


Si aujourd'hui Big Ben est le nom couramment utilisé pour désigner le Palais de Westminster et la tour de l'horloge à Londres, il s'agit originalement du surnom donné à la grande cloche de 13,5 tonnes installée dans la tour. La construction de la tour de l'horloge a été décidé en 1835 suite à l'incendie qui ravagea le Palais de Westminter et en 1839, Big Ben est intégrée au beffroi du clocher. La fissure apparue quelques mois seulement après son installation et qui lui donna sa tonalité unique contribua à faire de Big Ben la cloche la plus connue au monde.

Si la visite de l'édifice est réservée aux résidents britanniques, le panorama offert par ce monument reste néanmoins l'un des plus emblématiques de Londres.

Machu Picchu, Pérou 

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu culmine sur un promontoire rocheux à 2350m. Invisible d'en bas, elle fut oubliée pendant des siècles avant d'être redécouverte par Hiram Bingham en 1911. Construite aux alentours de 1440 en partie sans mortier, elle offre un témoignage de la précision de la construction grâce aux ruines du palais, des bains et des temples. Elle est aujourd'hui considérée comme un vestige clef de l'architecture inca.

De part ses caractéristiques architecturales et le mystère que la littérature a su tisser sur le site, le Machu Picchu est devenue l'une des destinations touristiques les plus prisées de la planète. Il a rejoint la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO en 1983 et a été désigné comme l'une des sept nouvelles merveilles du monde en 2007.

Le Colisée, Italie 


Le Colisée de Rome est l'amphithéâtre le plus grand jamais construit dans l'Empire romain ainsi que l'un des chefs d'oeuvre de l'architecture romaine. Achevée en 80 après JC, il aura fallut près de 10 ans pour édifier un monument capable d'accueillir jusqu'à 75.000 spectateurs. Utilisé pendant 500 ans, il est aujourd'hui partiellement en ruine suite à un tremblement de terre et à son utilisation en temps que carrière.

Véritable témoin de la puissance de la Rome Impériale, il est avec ses 4 millions de visiteurs par ans, l'une des attractions touristiques majeures de Rome.

Opéra de Sydney, Australie 

Opera de SydneyReconnaisable entre tous et véritable emblème de la ville et de l'Australie, l'Opéra de Sydney, inauguré en 1973, est une oeuvre architecturale majeure du XXème siècle. Réalisé par le danois Jørn Utzon, il s'est imposé comme une icône mondiale de l'architecture par sa conception, sa construction et sa magnifique intégration dans le port de Sydney.

Considéré comme l'un des centres de spectacles les plus actifs du monde, l'opéra attire chaque année plus de 4 millions de visiteurs curieux de découvrir les nombreuses salles ouvertes au public. La principale, le Concert Hall, peut accueillir 2 679 personnes assises et possède le plus grand orgue au monde. Une visite guidée d'une heure en français vous permettra de découvrir l'opéra. Les anglophones pourront également profiter d'une visite guidée des coulisses de l'un des édifices les plus photographiés au monde.

Angkor Vat, Cambodge 

angkor vat

Angkor Vat est le plus grand temple de l'ancienne capitale des rois Khmers: la cité d'Angkor. Chef d'oeuvre du roi Suryarman II, considéré comme le Louis XIV Khmers, il fut construit au 12ème siècle. Temple le mieux préservé d'Angkor et principal site touristique du pays, il est devenu le symbole du Cambodge. Il est d'ailleurs le seul monument au monde à figurer sur le drapeau national.

Aboutissement parfait du Temple khmer, Angkor Vat ravi les visiteurs par la grandeur et l'harmonie de son architecture. Le temple est même considéré par beaucoup comme la huitième merveille du monde.

Nous voilà arrivé à la fin de notre sélection. Comme toutes les sélections elle reflète un certain parti pris, c'est pourquoi nous vous invitons à nous faire part de vos remarques et nous proposer d'autres monuments dans les commentaires.


Friday, September 19, 2014

9 things you should know before traveling to Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the coolest and most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia, and has therefore gained great prestige in the hearts of tourists the world who have visited or heard of them, so they are at the forefront of the favorite destinations for travelers region, no wonder that it is a melting pot of different cultures embodied in one sense a "hello everyone," If you who are planning to travel to Malaysia, here are nine things you should know before Antlaqk.

1. food
Often mentioned food in Malaysia as one of the key features of this country, whether you will take up your food from hawker stalls on the side of the road or in fancy restaurants. The capital "Penang" of the best places to savor Malaysian food, as well as the famous dishes from all over the world such as India, China and Thailand.
مطاعم ماليزيا
2. Weather
Malaysia has a tropical climate, which is characterized by high humidity and high temperatures throughout the year. Can be average temperatures during the day and 32 ° C down to 20 ° C at night. With these temperatures must take into account the use of loose-fitting clothing made ​​of lightweight materials to enjoy all over the country, so you can avoid the discomfort caused by high temperatures in some cases.
3 transportation
There are a number of ways to get to Malaysia, depending on the destination and the next ones, by sea to Malaysia can be of Brunei, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. As for travel to Malaysia by road, it will be by bus, taxi, or private transportation, and can also be done from Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and Thailand. Travel by air is the way most convenient if you are coming from other points in Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States of America, and the rest of the world through direct flights or indirect Many airlines offer their services to Malaysia.
4. Safety
Malaysia is a safe country, but like anywhere in the world, so it is wise to be a little careful, and perhaps the safety precautions are simple but you will be safe first and foremost; stay away from trouble spots, and not to wear jewelry excessive, being careful when crossing roads, keep the valuables such as cash, traveler's checks, passports and airline tickets in the safety box of your hotel.

5. Tipping
Tipping is not standard practice in Malaysia, especially in rural areas, so you do not abide by them, but there are a lot of restaurants that impose often a service fee by 10%.
Tipping is based in Malaysia is generally on the quality of the service provided, could be submitted to the tipping porters depending on the weight and size of bags.
6 credit cards:
Credit cards are accepted widely in stores, and major hotels and shops. Make sure that you have enough cash in the local currency before you leave for the small cities or remote areas.
7 drinking water:
Tap water (boiled) fit for drinking, but not recommended, to avoid stomach upset, we recommend not to take any drinks with ice cubes during hot weather. With regard to mineral water bottled enable found in supermarkets, cafes, local prices are relatively cheap.

8 Shopping
Local handicrafts such as gold and silver woven "songket" wood carvings and pottery, among the many souvenirs priceless in this beautiful country.
You should not hesitate for a bargain, especially in small shops. Average discount can be expected to range between 10 to 30 percent. Most shops are open 10:00 to 9:00 pm daily. ماليزيا
9 customs and traditions
- Malisea has own habits, and visitors should follow these practices and not to go out for, for a smooth and enjoyable stay in Malaysia.
- Although the handshake is usually acceptable for both men and women, some Muslim women adhere to the sacred not to reach out and be greeted by just nodding and smiling. The man there outstrips both hands, lightly touches the hand of his friend Almamdoh, then brings his hands to his chest mean, "I greet you with all my heart." The visitor should reciprocate the "peace."
- Is the use of the right hand always when you eat.
- You should always remove shoes when entering the house Malaysian.
-. Some mosques provide robes and scarves for female visitors. Capture images in places of worship is usually permitted but always ask for permission in advance.
- Drinks are served to guests in general, it is inappropriate for non-acceptance.



A few weeks before going on holiday and as we will be very numerous on the roads, with family, here are some tips to prepare his car before hitting the road!

1 Do not do it at the last minute

Of course we do goes about at the last moment, that's why I'm doing this now, you can revise your car with confidence!

So take an appointment with your favorite at the end of reading this article mechanic!

2 Audits of use

If you have already had your interview, there is some time, do not hesitate to do a few check yourself before you hit the road!

We check all safety devices: brake pad, wipers, bulbs, coolant level, oil level etc ...!

3 Check tires

FR_The MICHELIN Lab_M&R 7_image+text_140430
Michelin gives us good advice via his Myth and Realities concept for

- Check the condition and the level of wear of your tires: too old and worn tire will not hold the road as well as a new tire and tailored to your driving conditions

- Change your summer tires for winter tires: this is something we have not always done for about economics! But Michelin has been testing and believes that snow tires, highly effective if you visit us in our mountains, are much less efficient than summer tires! Approximately 1.5m more would be needed to curb! And 1.5m is the distance to avoid a fine accident!

So, more than likely, we will change our snow tires each year to spend on Michelin Performance tires that allow a safe driving is the weather.



What to put in the child's suitcase?

A child has a limited capacity bag (20 to 23l) depending on the brand! And of course, the older the child, the more his business taking up space in her suitcase on wheels!

Suitcases children who are on my shop are suitable for children up to 8.7 years from a week! Then there was the challenge to get all the affairs of my daughter in her suitcase! Yes, I know, it must at all costs that I find luggage for teens and pre-teens nice as our children grow!

Mini Voyageuse should bring:

5 high
2 low
5 pair of socks and panties
1 sweater
1 kway
1 toilet kit
a pair of slippers
1 towel
1 napkin
1 jacket
Valise enfant affaire à ranger_compressedWhat tricks to save space in your suitcase?

Turn on "empty"

So far when you have a family, our trick is to put our clothes almost vacuum to save space. For this Z..loc bags, even if they are not completely impervious to air is used. I create matching outfits per person as it does not arise questions on children's clothing and M.Papa! I have a little more trouble because I dress in the mood!

If this solution is convenient for family and each other's business is not mixed, I do not see a Voyager Mini manage this child in her suitcase.

The rolled garment

This is a trick that I see for a long time on travel blogs but I've never tested since our vacuum technique works very well!

The bag of my Mini traveler is a bit tight, I was able to put stuff in it but I thought it would never happen to return, given its extensive experience in folding clothes (while the ball under bed ...)! So I showed him the trick of rolling garment. It was great fun!

And here are some pictures for proof!Valise enfant pleine_compressed
1st version without rolling the clothes! We have a poor Doudou Kalou significantly exceeding the bag! I can close it by pressing the top!Roulé de vêtement valise enfant_compressed
Saving space by rolling the business is even more important if the garment is fine! Indeed, the Mini Voyageuse moletonnée jacket was a bit of a chore to ride!
Valise enfant roulage vêtement_compressed

Second attempt, Kalou blanket fits easily and closes bag without pressing it! 

A photo before after with only the clothes curled up: space saving is huge leaving a nice empty space to the left of the bag!

Valise enfant avant après roulage de vêtement_compressed
source :


Our family trip to Sardinia goes back in April and I realize that I've not yet mentioned the essential activities for the kids!

On this trip I've already told you about here and there, it was really hard to find specific activities for children. So I give you here a list of tours and activities that can entertain children and motivate them for further tours!
Saradaigne avec des enfants - Activité: Sardaigne miniature - activités enfants

The Neptune Grotto cave to discover a sea level

A nice output, which requires a little effort! Indeed, this cave is located at sea level and was down I-don't-know-how to access walk (656 steps confirms my Mini Voyageuse which had not yet been able to keep count!)

But the ride is worth it! The cave is very nice inside with stalactites, stalagmites, lace effect! Children are always happy!

Practical information for visit the Grotto of Neptune

Access: This cave is located a few kilometers from Alghero. You can get there by car, camper etc ... but it should be a little difficult to park in high season. Otherwise boats leave from Alghero to come and visit the cave. Warning: I attended the landing with a heavy swell and I was glad not to have to land with my kids, it seemed pretty dangerous!

Time Tours last approximately 2 hours between the time of visit and the lowering and raising of the many steps. Tickets can be purchased at the bottom of the market so there must be time to go down for us and about 10min and the tour had already begun.

Baby equipment: I wore Mini Traveller, with my Boba baby carrier Air compact, all along the tour to take the tour (in Italian and English!) Advancing at a rapid pace. Provide a rather a big physio baby carrier backpack baby carrier that can be too bulky in some sectors!

Price and schedule: Tour every hour it seems.

Ages: practice with toddlers, light that you carry with you! Rather complicated for 3-5 years which are heavy and will be a little tired at the ascent of the stairs, but nothing is impossible if one weapon courage to motivate them! as counting the number of walking, for example! The tour is done only in Italian and English! Too bad for the youngest!

For more information: interesse/grotta-di-di-Nettuno-Alghero

Sardinia Miniature

Big dilemma for me! Should you recommend this tour or not? Of course if you want to please your children, it must be done! But know that Voyageuse Mini 9 years now and remembering the old "miniature country" we visited (Turkey miniature, miniature Holland etc ...) has been disappointed by the scenery staged (not enough detail, characters etc. .)

But we still had a good time because for Mini Traveller, we took a boat ride, a train ride, climb the tower to see the park from above! The visit of nuragical village (small houses nuragical staged with the old life) Mini Voyageuse pleased because it was able to better visualize what the ruins views Barumini just before but the characters were afraid to Mini traveler!

We have not done all the exhibitions to limit the cost. Perhaps a reader can tell me if they were worth ?!

Practical information for visiting the miniature Sardinia

Directions: Right next to the site Barumini, close to the village of the same name!

Visit time: 1:30 we spent 2 hours, but we only had the lowest pass that did not allow us to see the town cowboys and other little fun! We thought the price already very high.

Baby equipment: stroller smoothly

Schedule and fees: 10 € for adults only for the miniature park (with boat and train ride), 33 € to see all the extra activities (planetarium, botanical garden, golf Darwin ...)

Ages: 0 to 9/10 years. then they will be much less forgiving

For more information:



One of the best ways to visit Vaucluse family is by bicycle. One then takes full advantage of the landscape on routes available to young and old, it punctuates the journey picnics, walks in the heart of unspoilt, visit castles eg Nature ..
Our top 3 routes family bike:

enfantsavelo-®Marc Laurin

Véloroute Calavon

This greenway in the heart of the Luberon PNR, converted into clean, accessible website from the age of 7 years, offers 28 km marked and secured, of which 26.5 km are totally forbidden to motorized traffic. A nice walk around 2:30 through the magical and luminous landscapes of the Pays d'Apt.

Along an old railway line and Calavon (a small river), it allows the discovery of orchards and hilltop villages from Saint Martin de Castillon up Beaumettes, via Apt or Enlightenment.

Tours & Day Must

The Pont Julien, a Roman bridge of the first century, from which there is a superb view of the village of Bonnieux, perched on the Luberon. You can easily make a picnic break around the site.

Apt market on Saturday morning. Ranked market exception, he invaded the city in an uproar of scents and colors.

The Making of candied fruit Kerry Aptunion, Apt, since the city is the world capital of candied fruits. This free tour to discover the production of candied fruit, discovery ended with a tasting (reservations: 04 90 76 46 66 - variable hours depending on the season)

Idea to visit for children: the museum of industrial adventure in Apt

During school holidays (winter, spring, summer, autumn, Christmas), the museum offers workshops open to children from the age of 7 years on varied and original themes: making candied fruit, discover the work of ocher , learn about pottery, discover the Roman fashion, make a votive offering, a theatrical mask, or give life to animals, delving into the history of the city during the Great War ... exciting trips to the time and the arts! Reservations - Duration: 1:30 -Price: 1,50 € / child / workshop. Registration at 04 90 74 95 30 and

Extend the ride ... In the ocher

One can not leave this part of Provence without a stop in the peaceful Roussillon (with the village built on an ocher cliff beneath which a path gives access to the former open pit) or Provençal Colorado, which mixes Martian atmosphere and landscape of the Wild West!
Unique in Europe: Mines Bruoux only ocher operating underground, the huge and fresh galleries tell the work of these children of color.

  Source of Provencal Venice

Accessible from the age of 6 years, this route, 21 km (2h30 ride) connects Fontaine de Vaucluse and its mythical source for the city of Isle sur la Sorgue, charming Little Venice with its canals winding through the city.

A ride full of freshness amidst orchards (spring, it's magic!), With a stop picnic Watershed.

Bicycle Rental children and adults, baby seat or third-wheel Velleron (Luberon Biking), L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Bike and Services or

Possibility to rent bikes for adults and children, baby seats or bicycle rack in Apt (Luberon Cycles) or Cavaillon (VeloCyclix)

source :


Crystal clear waters, beautiful lakes, numerous reliefs including epic canyons, Roman remains, accompanied by a Mediterranean climate ... Croatia is an exceptional territory for outdoor activities.

You are looking for a destination that integrates nature and sport for your next family vacation? Croatia seems any suitable: a playground size for all ages, you can practice diving, hiking, caving, kayaking, paragliding, rafting, climbing and windsurfing ... well, you'll understand that there has something for everyone and for all ages!

Discover now the multitude of outdoor activities existing on-site with this nice infographic made ​​by travel comparison Momondo.activités famille et enfants en croatie

I hope this infographic gave you ideas for your next family trip to Croatia! We, we tested with a Voyager Mini 5 years, snorkeling, hiking, biking during our road trip in a motorhome in Croatia.

So tempted?


Transport means for your trip


Its history of the train is meeting of Rail history and that of the motor. In the seventeenth century Denis Papin invented the steam engine ancestor. The first steam locomotive in turn was built by Richard Trevithick in 1804 that she could move to 8 km / hour. The first line of railway for travelers was then inaugurated in 1825 in England it linked Stockton to Darlington. In contrast, France has hosted its first line in 1837 between Paris and Saint Germain en Laye. In 1883 the train from Paris to Istanbul called Orient Express enters? History. Michelin adapts the tire to 1931 and created railcar and Micheline can move up To 107km / h but in 1981 the TGV supplants


Petit HistoriqueScheduled flights 
A scheduled flight is a flight that operates throughout the year, always at the same times regardless of the tourist seasons. For safety, it is important to reconfirm your return flight 72 hours before the scheduled on-site to keep you informed of any changes to your flight. We advise you to require the details of the company in the country of destination when registering your flight back to the airport the day of departure to contact them out there and find your flight by much. Today has also identified low costs and cheap flights, which are part of regular flights but are operated by companies that limit services on board. 
Flight Charters 
A charter flight or charter flight is a flight that does not serve a destination in a timely manner. Charter flights are chartered by tour operators, it means that he bought all the seats. The flight schedules are generally communicated to go one week of departure. Most of the time the TO emit no ticket and proceed to delivery of tickets at the airport on departure. The flight schedules are known return on average 72 hours before the flight and are provided by the local correspondent of the Tour Operator. The contact details of that are still on the airport and calling on airline tickets. 
Petit HistoriqueThe Towers of the World 
Although present in programming agencies, tour world tickets are a unique and inexpensive way to visit several continents in one trip with stops left to individual choice based on existing airlines. The formulas are numerous, it is important to define your route based on your budget and availability. So avoid peak periods, favoring competitive lines or go to countries where life is cheaper.


Petit Historiquecruises 
Ships, boats, cruising allows you in one trip to visit different locations, without having to make or break your luggage because your hotel is sailing with you. Meeting places and encounters par excellence, cruise ships have largely modernized (in particular maritime) and offer more and more benefits of leisure: the pool and the casino are now classics; you will also find health centers (spa, spa, beauty, hairdressing), the video arcades ... The Queen Mary 2 has such a planetarium, and me Mariner of the Seas, a skating rink !!! 
The ferry crossings 
Ferries unlike cruise ships also accept vehicles and thereby attract travelers who want to be independent during their vacation. Ferries are intended primarily for short trips (less than 2 nights on board). The most underserved areas are the Mediterranean, 
Travel by Cargo 
The time when the voyage by freighter was to pay his way by working on board and being mounted so spartan Gone! Today, shipping cargo passengers have comfortable cabins and services. This is however not a cruise, but the experience of life at sea that we share with all members of the crew. This is an original for the persons who have the time to travel experience.


Petit HistoriqueTravel by 4x4 
A trip in a 4x4 is certainly under the banner of independence. You want to get away from the beaten track and discover some very remote areas where mass tourism or local buses do not venture. 4x4 opens new horizons: an encampment difficult to access, a remote village in the mountains or the jungle. We recommend that you regularly check your reserves, you bring a map and if you can a GPS. It is important to have a good knowledge of mechanical especially if you want to cross many borders, you do not always find someone who speaks your language to help you out! Ditto for parts, remember to have if you are planning a long trip. "Rent a car in Guadeloupe" antillesauto.comSite car rental in Guadeloupe 
Travel camper 
wanderlust with his house? The motorhome is a good alternative for those who wish to make a long trip and be able to sleep anywhere. Be aware that the price of a camper can reach € 60,000 but you can choose simple versions to accommodate yourself. While traveling, do not park in the guarded car parks or hotels, which are expensive and prefer places churches or individuals if you want to meet people. Finally remember to have spare wheels, an air filter, belts and other essential to the proper operation of the vehicle to avoid being caught out in places where the garages are rare coins. 
Coach trip 
widely challenged by plane and train, the bus deals have largely reduced. However, the coach remains an economical means of transportation; because of the length of trips, it is best not to be too eager. Be aware that the buses were modernized and in most European countries, they are all air conditioned. Only England and Spain have developed enough internal networks but networks between European countries are quite well structured. You can also choose to do a bus tour or self drive to visit an area group together. For your trip to France a Paris airport pickup there. Ecotravel offers airport shuttle service for all your travel-way or round-trip, your home or office to the airport. For these transfers, our drivers are available 24/24 and 7/7. You choose according to your workforce, or vehicles of your choice and place of departure and your arrivée.Fini the long queues at the airport, we will recover by playing along to our véhicules.Pour convenience, a driver will meet you at the point of rendezvous when booking, holding a sign with your nom.Simulez the price of your transportation and book directly on our website or by phone 0811.14.14.15


The top 10 countries to visit in 2014

Like every year, Lonely Planet shows the trend for the next year in his Best Of. Here are ten essential country in 2014.

1 Brazil 
Under the spotlight for the FIFA World Cup in 2014

Long beaches caressed by the sun, mountains covered with tropical forests, concentration of architectural marvels, colonial, animal (and human!) ... Brazil does not have not had much to envy to the rest of the planet, and that he won two of the biggest sporting events in the world: in 2014, it will be the FIFA world Cup, and in 2016, the summer Olympics.
After following the caravan of football supporters fed the caipirinha, a detox will certainly follow. And there, you'll be spoiled for choice between trek windswept dunes and lagoons Azure Bed Maranhenses, splendor of the colonial architecture of cities such timeless Ouro Preto, or swim in the clear waters of rivers around Bonito. The thousand and one wonders Brazil will leave you amazed for sure.

Photo: dancers, Rio Carnival. © Jerome Dancette

2 Antarctica 
Experience of a lifetime

At the mention of Antarctica, two images immediately arise contradictory. On television, documentaries have a beautiful nature, where the mineral and aquatic beauty of icebergs, ice cliffs and peaks rivaled the fantastic spectacle of wildlife, ballet penguin trying to avoid fierce leopard seals and orcas powerful while swirling above the icy waters of the Southern millions of seabirds ocean. year 2014 is the centenary of the launch of the tragic expedition of Ernest Shackleton, whose ship Endurance, tempting to cross Antarctica, found himself caught in the ice. Travel to Antarctica today is first to offer a chance to see his eyes a continent like no other, and that has not changed for thousands of years.

Photo: emperor penguins. © Silver

3 Scotland  
Scotland meet its future

The year 2014 is a big year for Glasgow, which hosts summer the XX Commonwealth Games: open debate on the future of Scotland, thousands of athletes from 71 countries of the former Empire British meet there. In preparation for the event, Glasgow has benefited from several million pounds for a facelift: it has never been so beautiful with its new sports venues, such as Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, an improved transport network and port completely rehabilitated, where modern Riverside Museum awaits you on the beautiful banks of the Clyde. Finally, it is also the "Year of Homecoming", a large demonstration organized by the government and which will celebrate all year heritage, cuisine and all Scottish flavor, with for example, in May the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival.

The policy will still central: to be or not to be independent, that is the question the Scottish people, who will vote on its independence Sept. 18, 2014.

Photo: a deer in the Highlands. © travelwitness

4 Sweden 
A country that blows hot and cold

Thanks to the Swedish writer Stieg Larsson, which was a huge success (posthumous) with his Millennium trilogy, then adapted for film, and other equally dark and fascinating novels, such as bestseller Let Me In (also transposed to the screen), John Ajvide Lindqvist, the general level of knowledge about Sweden has improved dramatically. It is perhaps no coincidence that the largest city in Northern Sweden, Umeå, was designated European Capital of Culture in 2014.

And then there is the kitchen. If the Swedish capital has long been a popular destination for savvy gastronomes and chefs destination (Stockholm has eight Michelin-starred tables), reputation and aura of the Swedish food now far exceed the boundaries. And when we know the commitment of the Swedish cuisine with local products (fish and seafood, game, wild berries, herbs or cheese), it would be crazy not to want to go to the source of these delights.

Photo: view of the Stockholm City Hall at night. © stefanholm

5 Malawi 
Wildlife and beaches, the crowd in less

Imagine, just a few hours after landing in Blantyre, Malawi's second city, you're in a big luxury bungalow (or in your tent) at the heart of Majete Wildlife Reserve. This reserve, yet depopulated fauna there ten years due to poaching, has regained its former glory thanks to a major project "Noah's Ark". To you watching "Big Five", the five kings of African wildlife (lion, elephant, rhino, leopard and buffalo), and all without the packs of 4x4 that plague other great African parks.

Up to you, then spinning dive with colorful fish translucent waters of Lake Malawi - a spectacle worthy of the Maldives without the threat of sharks. Or go get high on Mount Mulanje (maybe soon a World Heritage by UNESCO), for a hike in the misty mountains where Tolkien might have found inspiration. Another great option, landscapes tray Viphya between savannah and rolling hills of sight, offer a trip back in time to the origins of mankind.

Photo: Lake Malawi. © Trym Espeseth

6 Mexico 
The sleeping giant awakens

With a variety of assets - beaches fringed with palm trees, spectacular pyramids, kitchen full of flavors and hospitality of the people - the country has never lost its dynamism in terms of tourism infrastructure development, as evidenced by the new major Mayan museums Cancun and Merida or the longest zip lines in Latin America established on the shores of the magnificent Copper Canyon. Boutique hotels invest beautiful colonial buildings and an emerging contemporary art scene is emerging in Mexico.

The image of Mexico is about to change. It's time to break out your old travel plans of the closet to enjoy. Very soon, prices will soar and visitors come back strong.

Photo: Agua Clara, Chiapas, Mexico. © j.o.photodesign

7 Seychelles 
Paradise at your fingertips

These tropical islands scattered over 115 peacock blue of the Indian Ocean have everything to make your stay a memorable vacation, but their reputation haunt for millionaires you may be deterred from thinking there. Yet, good news: this paradise has never been so accessible. In addition to the island and other synonyms Selectes écovillas relaxation, comfort and elegance pensions can also enjoy the B & B, quaint guesthouses and other Creole fully equipped more affordable apartments that have flourished over the past decade.

However, there is something else to do than sip cocktails on the sand. Hiking, diving, snorkeling, boat tours and other adventure sports to practice in the breathtaking surroundings await you. Lovers of wildlife will also be addressed. Indeed, the Seychelles is not nicknamed "the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean" for nothing.

Photo: beach of Anse Source d'Argent, Jean-Bernard Carillet

8 Belgium 
Strong emotions in flat country

Belgium has picturesque cities - Bruges, Antwerp, Ghent - as well as capital, Brussels, with beautiful museums and easy to explore on foot. For dining, the taste buds are at the party (best beers in the world, chocolate, French fries). The campaign, the famous flat country, is serene, the sea is surprisingly chic, and cultural treasures are not to be outdone, the Flemish masters of the Middle Ages to the famous Tintin. Yet it seems that we have a hard time associating the word "Belgium" and "vacation." In 2014, the country should receive a large number of visitors to the centenary of the First World War. This celebration of remembrance, which will continue until 2018, perhaps will change the bias.

Neophytes will discover the medieval cities where culture and gastronomy, and which contain the Gothic buildings, paintings by Brueghel, Van Eyck and Magritte, canals and cool and trendy boutiques. They will also see green meadows where cows graze alongside historical monuments and battlefields and cemeteries that bear witness to the horrors of a war whose memories tend to fade.

Photo: Pier herb, Ghent. © Brad Pict

9 Macedonia 
Back to the Future fashionable Balkans

The year 2014 will mark the completion of the renovation of the capital, Skopje. In addition to the existing eclectic mix of old buildings and ruins Yugoslav Ottoman project Starts by the State includes pedestrian bridges, statues of bulls in rut, ferocious lions, Byzantine emperors, medieval tsars and in the center of the main square, a huge equestrian statue of Alexander the Great styling a beautiful multicolored fountain. Love it or hate it ...

Beyond the capital starts and already well-known attractions like Lake Ohrid, Mavrovo ski area and the ancient city of Stobi, novelty is honored everywhere. The quiet town of Berovo, on the eastern border with Bulgaria, is now making a name in the field of hotels-spas. Also located in the beautiful eastern half of Macedonia, picturesque Kratovo - which conceals stone bridges and cobbled streets of the Ottoman era - gives new life to his Turkish houses falling into disrepair. Finally, in the central arid wine region TIKVES, more and more areas of quality, big or small, welcome wine lovers.

Photo: Church of St. John of Kaneo. © silver-john

10 Malaysia 
2014, the year "Visit Malaysia"

The government expects 28 million visitors through its major campaign "Visit Malaysia", 3 million more than at present. Among the newest attractions include the largest bird park in Asia Southeast located in Melaka (populated by 6,000 birds from 400 different species) and Legoland Malaysia and Hello Kitty Land in Nusajaya, which attract the number locals and Singaporeans who cross the dam to come. The second brand new terminal at Kuala Lumpur (KLIA2) International Airport, mainly for the growing industry of low cost carriers, is a crucial factor in attracting visitors. With competitive rates offered by Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Firefly and the new domestic airline Malindo Air, traveling across this great country is a breeze. Direct weekly flights are now scheduled to destinations as diverse as Istanbul and Pyongyang.

Sabah has had bad press in 2013 following an incursion of many Filipinos in a coastal village in the southeast corner of the state. However, traveling in the rest of this vast region of Malaysian Borneo is no problem.

Photo: stairs of Batu Caves. © jasnuliak

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Top 5 travel books

Mike Horn, a true modern adventurer, added the exploits to travel around the world around the Equator. Bitten by a snake, he remained blind four days alone in the jungle; he was intercepted by drug traffickers in Colombia, then by the army ... He chased monkeys and alligators for food, climbed volcanoes, contracted malaria. On several occasions he failed to drown as Lake Victoria which has unleashed an unprecedented storm ... He crossed the country at war where all sides accused him of being a spy and where he became a prey. In Africa, it has failed to end badly, military rebels arrested and sentenced to death. He ended up at five in the morning before a firing squad, and got off only narrowly. In short, this man amazed by his courage, his will, his madness.

Flash Voyager Attitude 

Lenaic 23 February 2013 10
Travel is often a good opportunity to read. Personally, my favorite books are biographies of travel, personal experiences of the road written down, short, road-trips! And there are so many exciting and fascinating in that I wanted to advise you on your reading for your next vacation or get away ... every day after work.

The authors, from real travelers, we tell funny situations, unexpected encounters and so amazing that only the extreme taste of adventure experiences (and crazy!) Can bring to life. Here are travel books that marked me most:

1 / FLASH or the big trip

Charles Duchaussois (1974)

Voyageur Attitude FlashThis autobiographical narrative has absolutely fascinated me from beginning to end. A French recounts his experiences traveling around the Middle East and Asia, even his few months in Kathmandu in 1969, Michel was not Duchaussois hippie (big-eyed, beefy, always dressed in black), but he wandered among the community. He recounts the discovery of the drugs, all drugs, and still retains the hippie vibe of the late 60's and offers an objective look at the drug addiction on his adventures do exploits but also bitter failures.

Of all the stories he tells in a simple and direct style, the scene where the dead bodies are devoured by vultures, according to the rites of a minority religion in India, and marked me really impressed. Among other ...

I regret that no film adaptation has been performed, because these stories have everything to be successful. I'd love to see Benicio del Toro, or Romain Duris, in the role of Michael Duchaussois.


World traveler Attitude stop

Ludovic Hubler (2010)

Voyageur Attitude Le Monde en stopAfter studying commerce, Ludovic Hubler share a ride to go see the world, before discovering the world of work. His adventure will last five years, during which he will only use the stop all forms to move. The "boat-stop" to cross including Atlantic and Pacific oceans to the "icebreaker-stop" to go to the Antarctic continent via crossing the Sahara or from countries such as Colombia and Afghanistan, the young adventurer has tested his thumb in all conceivable situations, with, of course, amazing and varied encounters (including the Dalai Lama).

Voyageur Attitude  Latitude 03 / LATITUDE ZERO
Voyageur Latitude Attitude 0

Mike Horn (2001)

After 10 pages, I already said, "it's hard to believe! ". But traveling with Mike Horn, you get used to the incredible!

Buy Latitude zero here.

4 / JOURNEY TO THE END OF THE SOLITUDEVoyageur Attitude Into the wild

Jon Krakauer (1996)

Voyageur Attitude  Into the wildThis book tells the story of Christopher McCandless, a young American who just graduated and a bright future, decided to leave his comfortable life and go like a vagrant to Alaska. Guided by reading Tolstoy and Jack London, he trades civilization for a return to the wild. Based on a true story, this book is a call to freedom and makes you think about the modern society loneliness and happiness. In 2007, Sean Penn adapts successfully cinema under the title "Into the Wild" with Emile Hirsh.

Buy Journey to the End of solitude - Into the Wild here.

5 / AFRICA TREKVoyageur attitude Africa Trek

Sonia and Alexandre Poussin

Voyageur attitude  Africa TrekThe couple has traveled more than 14,000 km on foot, crossing the entire African continent. These adventurers braved the scorching sun of the bush, wildlife attacks, deserts and jungles. Only, adventure, without sponsors or logistics, sharing the poverty of their hosts, they talk to each page of the generosity and enthusiasm of the people who inhabit the land of Africa.
Africa Trek is divided into two volumes. Alexandre Poussin also filmed their journey, and a DVD version is available.

Buy Africa Trek here.

Do you have any other books on the trip advisor?
I was told Barjavel. Do you know? What book would you advise ..?

source :

Rucksack Vs Valise !

"Tell me how you travel, I'll tell you who you are!"

Determines the type of luggage just the passenger, but the luggage must be especially adapted to the style of the trip. I do not travel with the same thing at a seaside holiday, during a weekend getaway and during a tour of the world ..!

sac a dos en voyage

Here are some details to help you choose the right luggage.

The backpack

Voyager backpack mode is more convenient when so-called 'backpacker' travels. This is the perfect bag when you have to do and unpack several times during the trip. With its easily accessible exterior pockets, backpack quickly finds his business. It also allows you to have both hands free during transport. Another advantage, the backpack is more convenient (and quieter) on rocky roads or paths ... the kind of roads not practical with casters.

- Practical thanks to outside pockets

- More freedom of movement with both hands free

- Ideal for hiking, on rough roads or when faced with stairs ...

choose backpack

The soft canvas bag

The advantage of the bag in bag-of-travel-in toiletoile is its flexibility. Very handy when traveling by car or train, it can store quite easily thanks to its flexibility and rectangular. I obviously recommend a canvas bag with wheels, which allow to pull effortlessly. On safari for example, it is highly advisable to take a soft bag to be able to more easily store the vehicle in (or on) every day. Compared with a suitcase, flexibility avoids shocked to find his luggage off at the airport. There are far fewer cases of breakage with bags with bags.

- Convenient for storage in travel by car or by train

- No break thanks to the flexibility (except possibly with the wheels)

- Cheap and lightweight luggage


 valise trolley

sableToujours travel suitcase for the sake of convenience, the vast majority of cases are now equipped with 2 or 4 wheels. You're on vacation, you do not want to stress the hell! A hard case to protect its business against the blows. That's his main advantage! To bring a vase or bottle of your trip, nothing like a good hard case. Often abused when going into the bunker, I recommend getting a solid suitcase, able to roll with the punches and protect the contents. Polycarbonate stands out as the most sensible choice according to sellers who constantly boast this plastic combining "light and strong." The model has two large compartments have straps for business to remain in place.

- Robustness to protect content

- Comfortable with castors

- Make it easier to keep his ironed clothes


The small "suitcase trolley" (or hand luggage)

Ideal for long weekend trolley luggage suitcase with trolley can be drawn from his luggage behind effortlessly. Within the dimensions 55 x 45 x 25 cm, you do not have to check in your luggage at the airport. You will have your business with you in the cabin, and it will save you time on arrival. The big drawback is that you can not carry liquids over 100ml or aerosols. To you to provide discounted rates for business toilet models. Obviously, the size is reduced so it is advisable luggage for short trips with little business to take.

- Save time at the airport (and money for low-cost flights, you do not buy baggage)

Differentiate yourself!

Once your luggage type chosen, it remains to choose the model! For us to take to prevent your luggage at the airport by mistake, it is best to differentiate. When we meet with business grandmother because we took the wrong bag, ca can change the time!

At the airport, it is not one but thousands of baggage that coexist on the treadmill! To choose a different background, it is easy retrieval of baggage. Especially since manufacturers now offer luggage colors or patterns. Alternatively put a distinctive mark on your luggage (a ribbon, a badge, a sock ... not good, maybe a sock!). And add a label with your name also provides additional security.

  my suitcase

Should we buy quality luggage?

Some jaded, seeing their suitcase damaged brand, swear they will buy in the future as cheap luggage. Others prefer to invest in a good bag to use it for several years. One thing is certain: the brand luggage are better. Whether for the wheels for the trolley or the strength of the bag, a bag is an investment. The lifespan of a suitcase is between 5 and 7 years, but the big brands offer a warranty on their luggage. For a Samsonite suitcase or Delsey, the market leaders, the warranty period ranges from 2 to 10 years. In addition, these products can be repaired almost anywhere, after-sales service is available in over one hundred countries! Personally, whether for a travel bag or suitcase, I suggest taking quality.

source :


Why young people are undertaking they travel and what do they take? As they leave to see the world, work or study, have fun and meet people, young travelers come back with much more than achieving their original objectives. Their journeys open their new horizons, develop their confidence in them and, most importantly, towards to show more tolerance and trust cultures and different peoples of their own.

There are no set guidelines for the youth market: everyone has different age groups. It is also increasingly difficult to link the concept of "youth" at specific ages since on the one hand, young people are traveling more and earlier and, on the other hand, they study longer, marry later and remain "young" longer. The most inclusive age group is that of people aged 16-35 years.

This analysis presents the motivations and benefits regarding youth travel from a study by the World Tourism Organization, which itself takes surveys conducted by World Youth Student & Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation. Questionnaires were sent to customers of some 550 member companies of this group. The latter are interested in youth tourism; they offer exchange programs, hosting youth, Student Flights, travel insurance, student cards and language programs. Members of WYSE Travel Confederation provide services to more than 10 million youth and students each year. The sample of respondents therefore has a higher proportion of individuals participating in an exchange program, study or work abroad for all young people who travel.

The motivations that lead young people to travel are multiple and change over time. Learn about other cultures remains essential in years, but increase their knowledge, learn about yourself and interact with other people turn out stronger motivations in 2007 than in 2002 also have a good time with friends and visit relatives or friends seem a little less in 2007 than in 2002 noted that for these data and subsequent, it is possible that the results are biased due to the breakdown of the origin of respondents differs in 2002 and 2007.

Comparing the motivations of travelers before they leave with what they feel they have accomplished during their journey, there is so obvious that most of their aspirations were achieved or even exceeded (Figure 2).

Besides achieving the initial objectives, young travelers remove other benefits of their journey:

developing a thirst for travel again (81%);
opening their horizons (74%) and spirit (72%);
greater flexibility (71%);
greater confidence (70%);
better tolerance (62%).
In addition, 29% of young people consider to have become a new person on their return travel. They overcome many personal and professional challenges that vary according to their origins, but give them a sense of accomplishment.

Contact with the local population is essential to the discovery of a culture and knowledge of a destination. A proportion of 71% of respondents had a level of regular contact or high with the local population, 74% with co-workers and 64% with other travelers.

WYSE survey shows rise in level of trust in others. Prior to departure, 58% of young people agreed with the statement "you can trust most people," and this proportion rises to 68% after the trip. This attitude promotes understanding and respect among peoples. And the result is a positive sequence; those who have become more confident people have the most popular destination. The most important impact of youth tourism is the change in attitude of these after a trip.

Does the positioning of Canada and Quebec is in tune with what young people want? And our tourism industry is she anxious to welcome young international travelers in order to promote cultural exchanges?


Preparation for DEPARTURE !


Before leaving for a long time, you will have many arrangements to be home, both for the success of your journey as you return to provide the best possible conditions.

If you work and you are an employee of a company, Act No. 84-4 of 01/03/1984 helps you get a sabbatical under certain conditions: 3 years of service in the company (whether or not consecutive ) and 6 years of professional activity behind you. The leave can last 6 to 11 months, and you may have any paid leave. At the end of your leave, the employer is required to take you back to an equivalent job with equivalent to that before you leave pay.

We must send the employer a request by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt at least three months before departure with your request and the duration of the leave.

The employer must respond to the employee by mail within 30 days. After this time, the agreement is taken for granted. The employer has the option to defer the leave of several months depending on the case. For companies with fewer than 200 employees, it may even refuse it, if negative consequences for the smooth running of the business.

Full details are available on
If you can not benefit from the sabbatical, you still have the opportunity to resign, with the amount of risk that entails.

If you own, you can rent your home during your absence. If you rent, you do not have in principle the right to sublet your home without the owner's consent.

If you decide to leave your home vacant during your round the world, keep your home insurance (disaster), but cancel your subscription for telephone, electricity, gas and water.

It is best to agree with someone around you able to check your mail and process your invoices and administrative correspondence. With the "temporary Redirection" La Poste service, you can even forward your mail directly to the person (minimum 15 days, maximum 1 year, 41 euros). More information: The Post website

The "My extensive fixed line" allows you to make calls without having money from the foreign service, communications are taken directly from your account. But it can be a bit expensive ...

Best Solution: You can also purchase international calling cards on the spot and SIM cards if your laptop is compatible with local networks.

Also check with your operator if you are still engaged or if you can suspend your mobile line.

Internet is by far the best way to keep in touch with relatives and friends during a long journey through:
- Traditional emails.
- Software allowing to call and see (for free) interposed by webcam (Skype, Google+).
- Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ...)
- The creation of a free blog (Uniterre Travelblog ...) in which to tell your adventures and post your photos.

Find a connection:

Internet cafes have invaded all major cities and often even the most remote provinces ...

If you travel with your smartphone, pay attention to use it only wifi mode for Internet connections. There are many points of connection free wifi in the world. Otherwise, you risk breaking the bank!

If you are traveling with your smartphone, use wifi only mode, otherwise you risk breaking the bank! Make sure to disable the option of receiving "datas" abroad which appears somewhere in the settings of your phone.

Passports and Visas
Ask yourself quickly the visa issue, sometimes essential to spend some borders, especially in Africa. See what you can do from France before departure. And beware: all countries may not have consular representation everywhere. It even happens that a country does not have in yet another neighboring country.
Site will be useful to find out about visa and get what you need quickly. On your passport, make sure it is valid for 6 months beyond the date of your return.

Finally, ask about the political and security situation of the country attended, including borders. The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assesses each country and identifies areas where it is not advisable to venture. Do you also learn about international licenses or driving permits, needed to lead in some countries outside Europe.

Final arrangements before the holidays are subject to a folder full of practical advice with peace of mind.


Go around the word

Go around the world 


There are many excuses to go around the world, graduation, retirement, sabbatical are opportunities to do that old dream, traveling the world and discover the wealth ...

But often it is a journey that we will do only once in his life around the world is preparing well in advance. Unable to leave overnight: you must make your own arrangements, and arrange to make the most of this adventure. So, no improvisation.
© Mykola Velychko |

A world tour usually consists of a series of stops in countries that we simply want to discover. But it can also be built around a passion or a common focus: the deserts, music, cycling, islands, etc.

Delphine Moussay-Christophe Derouet Derouet and have, for example, had the great idea to go around the world vines from Bordeaux. You can follow their journey in 17 countries, 37 wine regions and 194 domains in their blog Wine World Tour. They even pulled a book, Around the World vineyards and wines (Editions Feret). Enough to make the mouth water ...

Also discover the blog of a 18 year old who went traveling around the world:

Such a journey may have the goal of adventure and discovery, as cycling journey undertaken by the authors of the blog The Eldorado Cycling: 14,000 km Bicycle, Paris to Quito, via Casablanca and Santiago.

It can also be punctuated by reports, often published online and / or end with a photo exhibition, a book, a movie. In this case, you can probably find sponsors to your journey so visit the sites of other "tourdumondistes", explaining how often they are taken to finance their trip and find partnerships.

But even if you go for pleasure or sense of adventure, do not play the card of improvisation. Know before you go, what motivates you, what you want to see. It is often useful to prepare a list of countries to visit, an estimate of the length of stay and time of your travel (prefer the low season, tickets are cheaper ...).

Another tip: do not be either too rigid or planning. Prepare a frame of your trip in outline. Keep some flexibility by not setting you not a "timing" too tight. Travel, are the meetings, discovery and surprises (good or bad). By no means a marathon. Treat yourself, open your eyes and go to another.
With whom?
Should we go alone, in pairs, in groups, with (e) friend (e) as a team? The answer to this question obviously depends on the purpose of the trip, and your natural disposition: if you hate solitude, you've got to choose one or more teammates ...

Needless to say, if you're not alone, it will take a lot of discussions to agree on the project, and everyone is aware of the expectations, desires or the reluctance of the other or others.

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